The last day of NaBloPoMo! Yay! I am made it! I was planning on doing a recap, or a what I learned this year, or a reader appreciation thing, but, guess what? I'm tired.
There's the theme for this year's NaBloPoMo: I'm tired.
The latest? Jane is sick. She's been sick for awhile now but it got worse on Wednesday when she spiked a fever and lay around in her pajamas all day (and just for the record, I checked with Grammar Girl's lay/lie rules for the correct form to use and even though it doesn't sound right, "lay" is right in that sentence). We've been giving her Motrin and nebulizer treatments since then. Today she would not stop coughing so I took her to the on-call doctor.
I was hoping to avoid a trip to the ER by taking her to the doctor during the daylight. But she was fine at the doctor's and didn't get really bad until she was trying to go to sleep. Calls to the doctor, multiple medicines, and a big fight about trying to have her sleep propped up on pillows later and she is finally sleeping. This does not guarantee she will stay asleep.
Also? Scott freaks out when Jane is sick or throwing a fit. He keeps asking, "what's going on? will she be alright? am I going to get sick? are you going to the ER?" Last spring, when Jane went through a horrible phase where she pitched a huge fit every night before going to sleep, Scott had a breakdown. He curled up in a ball and rocked back and forth muttering, "please make her stop". Yeah, that was helpful. Now we had two out of control kids.
So, I am going to bed, in case I spend some time up with the little one. Or the big one.
Thanks so much for reading along this year. I truly appreciate anyone who stops by, reads, or comments here. It means the world to me.
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