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April 14, 2009



I liked The Time Traveler's Wife. It was a well-thought out book. Let me know what you think of it after you are done.

Currently reading Animals Make Us Human by Temple Grandin & Catherine Johnson... I really like it.

btw, I added you to my blogroll, so if you see weird links, that's why.



Getting hurt stinks! I love you list. there is soooo much. And I am so disappointed that even though BlogHer is 40 min. from my house, I will be on a planned vacation that week. I would very much love to meet some of these people that I read.


I'm not going to BlogHer this year. Sob! Me and my big dumb medical aspirations are already requiring sacrifices. Drat.


I hope to see you in Chicago.


Lots going on my friend, but yes, it IS life. I hope you do get to go to Blogher '09. I will never forget how amazing it was last year and would love for you to experience that again--for all of us!! Sending hugs and hope that the Anxiety and OCD study offers some insights for Scott and eases his worries.

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