Well, here we are. We meet again, after 10pm, you and me and my little MacBook. Everyone else is asleep. Here's what I am thinking about:
I just watched last week's Entourage. I wish I liked the show as much as I used to. Is it me or the show?
My house is a mess and we are hosting Thanksgiving dinner. I have a ton of things to do over the next few days, cleaning, food shopping, post writing, all with kids in tow.
Scott's conference is on Monday afternoon. His report card was great. How do I reconcile that with the stressed out, anxious child that lives with us?
I never sent out last year's Holiday cards. For an entire year the cards have been lying on the floor in the downstairs office. This makes me upset every single day. I want to write up a card/letter and enclose the photo from last year with one from this year (which I already have printed off). And I want it all to be done and out the door by the end of the month.
The appointment with the therapist for Scott is scheduled for Tuesday. I haven't told him yet. He will not be happy about this. How come he seems so normal now, just as this date is approaching. Like when your hair looks great the day you have a cut scheduled?
I have no idea what to get for anyone for holiday presents this year.
I took Jane to a horseback riding birthday party today for a girl who turned 5. That's right, a five year old pony party. Jane chose not to participate. I think she just went for the goody bag. I don't even care because I felt like I smelled like barn afterward and am glad that I will not have to pay for high-priced horsey lessons for my kid.
And on that note, November is birthday season around here, with five family birthdays to celebrate and numerous friends. I don't want to spend my weekend going to children's birthday parties. I am looking forward to the day when I won't have to.
Included in the birthdays is my husband's. He is trying to pretend it is not his birthday. I never know whether to make a fuss because I should or if I am supposed to downplay it because that is what he seems to want.
I found out Friday that one of my neighbors is pregnant with her third child. I felt instantly jealous. I don't want to feel that way. I want to feel happy for her and relieved that it is not me. I want to feel done.
It's almost time to start making ornaments and candies and cookies. To decorating and listening to holiday music. We are going to New York City as a family to see the Rockettes. I am totally excited about this.
I should put some links in this post, but am too tired and/or lazy.
Thanks for the kind words. This morning my husband said, "Your post made me feel like your head was about to implode" and I had to laugh because, really? this is how I feel all the time. Such is my life.
Posted by: Lori at Spinning Yellow | November 23, 2008 at 11:11 PM
Oops. Forgot the jealousy about others' pregnancies and not feeling "done." There's that, too. Sigh...
Posted by: Kia (Good Enough Mama) | November 23, 2008 at 09:52 PM
Wow. I can totally relate to SO much of what you've written here: the son whose report card seems "normal" and yet he's a stressed, anxious little guy at home; the kid who doesn't participate at birthday parties; myself hating the birthday parties; blah.
Happy weekend, huh? ;)
Posted by: Kia (Good Enough Mama) | November 23, 2008 at 09:46 PM
My grandparents in MA made the trip into NYC to see that Rockettes show last week and loved it!
You know, there's only so much we can do at any one time. I am fairly sure that if you made a list of all that you *are* doing, it would be a much longer list. We just have to give ourselves a break, cut corners when we can, and delegate as much as possible. For example, I put Matt in charge of the Christmas cards a few years ago - he creates a postcard with a collection of photos from the year at 4x6.com and writes the text on the back, and orders them. I maintain the address labels and print them out each year, and then out the door they go. Also, we make them New Year's cards to give us more time to get them out, so that we can mail them anytime from late Dec to mid-Jan. Except for the years when we didn't get to it at all! Here's the thing - you just have to throw those cards out from last year and stop looking at them, and move on. Be as nice to yourself as you are to all of us! You deserve it, too. ;-)
I hope the appt. with the therapist goes really well!
Posted by: Jordan | November 23, 2008 at 08:48 PM
The Rockettes show sounds like fun!
Oh, and just to add one more thing to your upcoming craziness...you get to host the next card gathering!
Posted by: floating in space | November 23, 2008 at 12:57 PM
Wow! That is quite a lot. Do you feel lighter now? I always feel lighter after posting like that.
Posted by: Kyla | November 23, 2008 at 12:43 PM
We were going to do the Rockettes...but we waited too long and then the only seats available were for "peak" performances and honestly, I felt like we would need to pull off some white collar crime to afford those tickets, so, I think we're just going to stand outside and watch the wooden soldiers on the roof get shot by a cannon and fall down like dominoes. Enjoy!!
(Good luck w/ Scott and the therapist.)
Posted by: kristen | November 23, 2008 at 12:21 PM
Congratulations, Niksmom, you're comment was my 1,000th!!
Posted by: Lori at Spinning Yellow | November 23, 2008 at 11:02 AM
A friend of mine used to tell me "You can only eat the elephant one bit at a time." And remember to chew thoroughly! ;-)
I thin it's time to pre-write some posts with lots of pictures and set them to publish on certain dates. Seriously. Be good to yourself. xo
Posted by: Niksmom | November 23, 2008 at 10:00 AM
Hey there. I feel your pain about holiday cards. I totally want to get our pictures taken, cards printed, and everything out the door but can't until Hubby's foot heals. Frustrating.
Good luck getting yours done!
Posted by: WhyMommy | November 23, 2008 at 06:45 AM
Ornament making has always been my favorite part of the holidays
Posted by: flutter | November 22, 2008 at 11:22 PM