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November 14, 2008



That was an excellent post Lori! I often too wonder about some of the kids from your parent's daycare. It seems like a lifetime ago............


This was great. I can't help but notice the same sort of things when I spend time with kids. It is nagging, that could-be-a-red-flag feeling.


This happens to me a lot, I see kids in Quinn's preschool or in a moms club playgroup, or any number of other places. I often wonder what is going on with the family. From the outside, it's often hard to tell.


What a great post, Lori. As you know, I have this experience all the time.

Lyle's preschool is a co-op so we assist regularly in the classroom. One of the kids with sensory issues last year was a child of a friend - she sought my opinion and I was able to help her and the teachers a lot based on my observations. But there were so many others. What helped me was to offer the preschool staff a free in-service and I spent 2 hours giving them tons of info sheets and discussing social language and sensory processing issues with them, and brainstorming solutions to current "behavior" problems. I'm going to do it again this year.

I wonder if you know a great OT who could come in and do something similar? Maybe you could do an info night along with an OT, where you give the parent perspective? In SF I used to do this with a special ed teacher and OT - we'd do preschool in-services as a team. It made me feel like I was doing something when I couldn't actually speak up directly to parents who weren't on my caseload.


It is soo hard to not want to know...I have a relative (her boy is now 3), and we did not even start talking until 3 and has had so many other "different-nesses" that we wanted her to have him evaluated. But, she said he is smart. She lied to the dr. when he asked developmental questions. She didn't put him in preschool this year, where an outside person might make these observations. And now he is talking, and even though he seems WAY behind in social skills and still has about 5 other red flags that I see. If the parents (a mom who is a teacher, mind you) are not willing to see it, what are you going to do? But, you worry. As you said, NOW is the time.


I have that experience frequently - I see a child in the grocery store and something about his behavior is familiar. It takes everything I have to refrain from stalking him around the store to observe him some more.

Nice post!

floating in space

Beautifully done! Perhaps the director will give the family your name? You are an excellent resource.


wonderful post! Maybe you have a higher calling? Maybe there is a way for you to help these families, to ease their fears...


Lori, this is so magnificent on so many levels. A sweet day with Jane (who has,unwittingly, made sure I will never again think of my veggies in quite the same way), good news from the director, astute and compassionate observations.

You get my vote! :-)

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