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« Preschool Firecrackers | Main | Half Way There »

November 15, 2008



What?? You're painting the house w/out consulting me first?!


I can just see it happening in my house house...My three year old was very mad, when we painted the master bedroom the other day. You would have thought we had painted his room, he was so offended by the change. He seems to have survived, will we all.


That really is true. I think also, once things are so broken you kind of doubt they are even fixable anymore...then change becomes a valid option.


Classic. You'll have to let us know when they finally use the plum bathroom!

floating in space

And by the time they adjust to the new colors it will be time to repaint again!


This makes me chuckle. Such simple but universal truth in it. Yes, I love change...someone else's! LOL

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