I was tagged for a meme by my new bloggy friend from In The Fast Lane. The Mission:
you are a blogger you now have a mission. As soon as you read this,
drop everything, grab your camera and take pictures of where you blog
from. NO CLEANING!!! THEN, tag some lucky ducks and spread the love.
This is a photo of where I was at the time:
It actually doesn't look nearly as bad as it is in this photo, but I am ashamed of how messy this space is.
I really blog from here:
The kitchen table, after everyone goes to sleep.
And just for the record, I cleaned all day and now the office looks like this:
Which is at least presentable but no more organized. Sigh.
*** I must also point out that Kyla from The Journey (who I owe another meme!) gets best post title award for this meme.
I know I am supposed to tag people, but I am so bad about following through with memes that I feel guilty putting anyone on the spot. If you feel like doing this, I'd love to see your bloggy home.
You are too funny, cleaning up your desk for a reshoot.
I was so surprised when people called me organized. I never look at my desk and think that.
Posted by: Kyla | November 30, 2008 at 04:25 PM
the thing that amuses me most about this? that you and "in the fast lane" have the SAME coffee cup smack dab in the middle.
Posted by: magpie | November 28, 2008 at 10:49 PM
Uh-uh, no way! If you think your "before" photo was messy...You'd DIE when you saw mine! TOTAL disaster. But I'm working on it!
Posted by: Niksmom | November 28, 2008 at 02:17 PM