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November 30, 2008



Oh Lori, you did NaBloPoMo? No wonder you haven't been able to blog since!!!! Anyway, I hope you come back, I know it's so time-consuming.


Though I'm 42, I've never been married (I've always been unlucky with women), and I have no children. So I get very lonely.
But reading posts like yours reminds me that having a family is not always enjoyable!

Anyway, seeing that your post is so old--I pray that Jane has fully recovered!


Where are you????????


You aren't going back into hiding are you?! You better not!

Congrats on finishing!


"Am I going to get sick?"

Love it.

I hope she feels better soon, and congrats on NaBlo...


I lOVE that you looked up the proper usage of "lay." That one has always befuddled me, and I am amazed at how rarely it is actually used right and how when it is right, it usually doesn't sound right.

Anyway, get some rest. You deserve it. My SPD son also gets freaked when his younger sister cries or has meltdowns. So what did we do, but go and get pregnant. So now my poor son will have a newborn to put up with come Spring. What were we thinkinG?

floating in space

You did it!


Poor little girl.


Phew! Bet you're glad that's all over. Hope everyone is on the mend today.


Awesome Job! I hope you are all feeling better after some sleep.


You did it!!! YAAAAAAYYYYY!

No go get some sleep! ;-)


I am really proud of you!

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