I've had another busy and exhausting day. I am beginning to wonder, did I really do this NaBloPoMo thing last year? I get stuck sometimes because I know I have to follow up on something, in this case the incident with my neighbor, and I need to give it proper attention, but I am already sort of past it and want to write about another thing. And I tell myself that I am not allowed to do other things until I write that post. Which includes going through the posts in my Google Reader and commenting. Or responding to e-mails. And all that does is put me further and further behind.
Today, I received my copy of Time magazine in the mail. I am still not used to the fact that it comes on Fridays even though it has been now for, what, more than a year? I don't want it at the end of the week when I get my big, fat weekend newspapers. I want it on Monday or Tuesday so that I can read the whole thing before the end of the week. I used to get Time at the beginning of the week and read it while commuting. I miss that.
Anyway, I've been a subscriber to Time since I was a teenager. It is the one media constant in my life for nearly 30 years. So when it does arrive, I have to glance through it even if I am busy. Today was no exception.
I found this article that spoke to me, especially right now while I am trying to figure out how to write and read and fit it all in.
I loved how Michael Kinsley ended his essay, lamenting about finding something interesting that then he'd have to find the time to read. I feel the same way.
So, would all of you stop writing such eloquent, insightful, poignant, timely, fascinating stuff, please. I can't keep up. And that goes for the funny tweets, too.
You know who you are.
I know. Excellent content is such a problem. LOL. Or maybe the limited hours in the day is the problem! Darn clocks.
Posted by: Kyla | November 22, 2008 at 10:35 PM
I am condensing comments:
Dr. "Q": you did the right thing in speaking to your neighbor and you handled it beautifully w/Jane. Can't wait to hear the details of how it went down w/the neighbor.
Trader Joe's: Been there twice already since it opened. I recommend the Asian Rich Cracker snack mix-fat free and so addictive! Also, the tortellini/chicken/sundried tomato concoction-so yummy! Their skim milk has an amazing shelf life. Alsace vidalia onion, gruyere, prosciutto frozen tart/pizza thing-the best! M-ville doesn't have it yet, but I asked them to get it.
Posted by: Laura | November 22, 2008 at 12:37 PM
Just what I need...more blogs to read. Damn.
Posted by: floating in space | November 22, 2008 at 10:01 AM
Great, *another* list of intresting blogs to obssess over. Oy.
Good article though. I cannot imagine having to live with the pressure of producing something written each and every day in a finished form. Too much else going on in my life to think about that!
Hang in there; NaBloPoMo is almost done!
Posted by: Niksmom | November 22, 2008 at 08:28 AM
yeah, I agree. Reader has been out of control this month (and I've hardly written a thing!!) I just can't keep up or stand to look at how many posts behind I am in my reading...
Posted by: kristen | November 22, 2008 at 08:14 AM
This cracked me up. Thanks for that Time link. I just spent 30 minutes before the kids got up (instead of showering, of course) going thru their list of 25 Best Blogs and adding a few to my RSS (which is actually fairly limited - or was until just now), which is great but now I don't have time to read your other recent posts because I have to get my rear in gear and get to the convention and - oh, wait! What were you saying about too much to read?? xoxo
Posted by: Jordan | November 22, 2008 at 07:56 AM
seriously, people need to quit it.
Posted by: flutter | November 22, 2008 at 12:27 AM