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November 23, 2008



What an awful situation with your neighbors. At least the mother was understanding, so many people would become defensive when faced with that truth.

I love the promises you made. They are excellent "girl mom" promises!


You are an awesome mom to your boy and your girl! They are so lucky to have you.



I love your promises...


Pardon me while I dry off my keyboard...

Lori, this is so beautiful and so moving. YOu're right, you can't do anything for Q's sister or her family except continue to be friendly and share your experiences and learning with the mom. I hope that, on day sooner rather than later, Q gets the help it sounds like she may need to have a happier path in life.

And as for you not being "as good of a girl mom as I am a boy mom" I can tell you that you are being a great "girl mom." It's going to look different at different stages of her development and feel an awful lot less comfortable sometimes. But your list of promises is a solid foundation. You're doing fine. I PROMISE YOU. xo


I love those promises. I feel the same way as you in that I am a better boy mom than girl mom. I don't know if it is because my son has SPD and requires so much therapy and attention or if it is because I was always a tomboy, but I need to be more attentive to my daughter as well. Good luck!

floating in space

Beautiful, my friend.


Okay, that just about brought me to tears. I wish my mom had been so enlightened when we were growing up... Much better than sweeping things under the rug.


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