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November 03, 2008



How wonderful that you had this experience. Yay for the director, too!


This post really cheered me up for some reason. I just received a scathingly judgmental email from the nursery leader at church regarding my parenting and it made me sick to my stomach with frustration and anger. Your post was so refreshing and a good reminder that there are really good people out there who try to undertand others, who are empathetic and that I shouldn't give up on all humanity because of one woman. Thanks.


What a great visit and a reminder of the fact that all of us have stories that aren't always obvious.

floating in space

I will be forever grateful to the director of that school. The first time I met her I found myself telling her all of my concerns about Kate. She is the person who gave me the phone number for early intervention and urged me to call a developmental pediatrician. She said to me that day, "If you don't advocate for your child, who will?" Those words have stayed with me.

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