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November 29, 2008



Happy B-day Matt! Welcome to the club. I'm also finding that I can't see/read as well as I used to. Whateva...........


Thanks Honey! As you know and are probably sick of hearing me complain about I am having a bit of trouble embracing the big "40" as well as you did. I wish I felt the way you do but about the only things I am sure of as I turn the corner on 40 are that I love you our family, and the life we have created together. And that makes 40 a lot easier today than I thought it would ever be.


Very sweet! I still have a few more, but the Mr. will get there first and I am sure I will remind him often.

floating in space

Happy birthday to Matt!


LOL, this is GREAT! I could almost have written this to my husband (except I'm three years older!).

Happy Birthday!


this is so cute, and you are a totally hot 40 year old!

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