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November 04, 2008



I love that email. Totally funny! Thanks for sharing.


That email is hysterical! As a current Georgia resident (previously NY) it takes on a whole new meaning. Although my husband, a UGA grad, will most certainly take offense!

I hate it when I'm almost out of toilet
paper - hope you make it!

floating in space

We are at the beginning of our half-year funk as well. Let the good times roll!


I had not ever heard about this 1/2 year theory (which made me feel I was missing something in my education) until today, when someone pointed out that this could be Jack JAck's issue right now. And her name is Lori too/ Funny how things come up like that. doesn't make me feel better about him being awake from 12:30 until 4:00 am. Which is why i gave up sleeping and am commenting instead.


OMG you rock! And please, even though I don't know who Matt is, hug him for me. That e-mail is #2 on my list for today.

#1?...Thinking I had moved to a red state (NC), voting anyway, and finding out that my county turned the tide and made NC a blue state today. We also have a new Dem Governer and a new Dem Senator. Woah! seeing my vote literally and actually make a difference is heady stuff.


Thank you, Pennsylvania. And, that email? Priceless.


God bless PA for leading the way to turning the tide! Yeehaaaaaaa!!!

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