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September 01, 2008



"This time of caring for small children, of being dedicated primarily to them, is coming to an end. There won't be any more babies. I think I am the one who is having the most difficult time moving on. Because it is me that needs to adjust the most. From full-time, all consuming mommyhood, to what? I don't know. I feel lost when I thought I'd feel free, excited, revved-up for new possibilities." I read that and wonder if I wrote it myself. Certainly you are not alone in having those thoughts - realizing that you never thought beyond the baby phase of parenting. I guess this is the part of life where we learn to live in the here and now with these amazing little people! Not that we don't or won't have our own goals still to achieve, but after years of planning and achieving, it's nice to just "be" for awhile, isn't it?


So many changes going on in your life right now, Lori. Try not to take them all on at once, you know? You can only do so much at any given moment. You're such a wonderful mother and Jane and Scott still need you, even with school starting. Maybe especially with school starting! I'm glad Scott had a good day, and yes, I'd tell the teacher about the trash issue!!


It's the most wonderful time of the year................I am so happy I can hardly stand it! Good luck to Scott and hope he has a great year!


I think all the conflicting emotions are the hardest part of motherhood. It is difficult, but sweet all at the same time and for me, it is sometimes hard to really appreciate it while it is happening. I am working on it. Good luck with all the new changes.


I hope he has a wonderful day! I hope you do, too.


Oh it's all so challenging sometimes isn't it? The letting go, the holding on, pushing the boundaries of what our kids will or can handle or what we ourselves can handle. And the yearning for the comfort of a known (and maybe slightly easier?) past. *sigh*

Sending lots of good thoughts for the first day of school --the first day of "whatever lies ahead." xo


Have a happy first day!


Hope all goes well with going back to school.


Aha well now you are on my google reader and my blogroll I should receive a timely reminder rather than having to bookmark you!


I'm glad you're back here. Writing. Sharing. Missed you.

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