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June 02, 2008



Hi there,
You need more rest i think

Thank you


Great post -- it's so easy to get caught up in the tedium and the frustrations of everyday existence and so wonderful when we notice those quiet moments of pure happiness. Until somebody pees on the floor... ;-)


beautiful, beautiful moments. so happy to hear about yours!!!


You are so right-they are great moments! Jane's diva brings back memories of the diva in Emma at that age-I love it! And that is so great about Scott making the All Star team and finding his place-good for him. Dallas has changed completely since Rich is around more-they spend so much more quality time together and it is so important for kids to have that w/both parents.


Oh, man, you just made me cry, too. It was the part about Scott and Matt that finally got me!

So much to be proud of with both of your kids. It is wonderful when this busy time of endings can bring with it so much joy and pride.

But now that I've started crying even *before* Lyle's last day of preschool (until next year, but there will be new teachers and kids) and his first on stage performance?? I'm DOOMED, Lori, DOOMED.


OK, so you made me cry this morning, especially Scott's comment to Matt. Can't they just stay this age forever?

So many things to be proud of. May these moments always outshine the tough moments.


OK, so you just made me cry this morning, especially about Scott and Matt. So many things to be proud of. May moments like this always overshadow the not-so-good stuff.


Oh my god, I'm tearing up over here. Really great post, Lori. Really great things. And that last bit with Scott and his dad? Well, now that's what you call priceless.

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