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March 13, 2008



He's growing up and coming into his own-that's great!

Don Mills Diva

This is a really wonderful and poignant post. I think we are all guilty of underestimating our kids sometimes.


That is such wonderful news. I find that with NT kids as well (as I'm sure you see with Jane) there are times when I just kick myself as I stand back and watch amazed while my kids do things on their own that I never expected and realize just that - that I've been holding them back. It's an unsettling feeling but once that part passes, how exhilarating to see the growth! I'm so happy for you all - especially Scott.


"I can see now that as he is getting older, he can control his environment more himself. He can move the newspapers. He can go wash his face off. Just like how I always wear my sunglasses and only read when it is quiet. I can make those choices because I understand myself and because I am capable."

It's so wonderful to see them learn to compensate like this. Twice this week SB had meltdowns at pickup time and proceeded to spiral into a deeper rage as we drove home from school. On both days he chose to remain in the car after I pulled into the garage. He told me to go ahead inside, that he wanted to sit in the quiet car and calm down.

I often wonder how much of this can be attributed to time and maturity and how much is the direct result of therapy/etc. Either way, it's all good.


Moments like this make me realize just how far we have come as well. It's great how Scott is able to recognize what his body needs. He will continue to make great strides.


I can relate to this on so many levels. I see it here too, a self-awareness that is shocking only because it was never expected or anticipated.

"How I am the one who may be holding him back sometimes, trying to protect him, schedule things out so that there aren't any surprises."

Yes. I do that too. We're slow learners, sometimes, we battle-scarred moms. But I have no doubt our kids are going to show us the way--if we let them.

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