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March 15, 2008



Love your blog and your photos. Have a good week off. I have your blog in my faitvroes. I am always making different breakfasts for my 2 little boys. Everyday is fun. I'm a sahm and am thankful for the time I have to do that while they are still not in school. I don't feel like I have to rush breakfast and take my time instead. :)

Terry (planet3rry)

Yeah, we got that same Wine/Liquor in one place and Beer in another... that might change, but that's BAD for the wine people. If the grocery stores get the wine they will put the wine people who buy a few bottles of really special wine out of business because their bread and butter (the box wine, cheaper stuff) won't be able to make a profit...

nice 10.24 miler!

Shannon, PHAT Mommy

That's so funny. :-)

{We met @ BlogHer last summer. Haven't checked in for awhile, so... Hi!}


What a hoot! I love it, out of the mouths of babes.

Just caught up on a couple posts - I am so glad to read the post about Scott! Huge strides!

You aren't holding him back, you are just functioning out of habit, you've learned how to manage his sensory challenges the best way you can. Amazing to think you won't always have to!




That was hysterical!! I'm going out right now to get me some Penis Wine! Wait, dang, it's 5:00 on a Sunday and I live in Pennsylvania. That's it, I'm moving............


That's hilarious!


Too funny! Will you be serving penis wine at our next card gathering?


That's great! I'll never look at a bottle of Pinot the same way again.

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