Scott has been sick. It is the same thing that everyone seems to be having. A cold. A nagging cough. Maybe it turns into croup or an ear infection or a sinus infection. Or all of those things, which is the case for Scott. Or a full-blown throwing up flu, like Matt had. Then it just goes back to the cough that will never go away.
This is an unusual thing for the healthy boy. He almost never gets sick. Jane doesn't get sick much either, even though she has asthma. We don't do a lot of doctor visits or antibiotics.
So, as I am sure you can imagine, when Scott is sick he has a difficult time with it. I remember the first time he got sick, it was around this time of the year when he was not quite 2. It was when he finally watched an entire 25 minute TV program. Blues Clues. He called it "Boo's coos" which sounded a lot like "Booze Cruise". Friends called and sympathized, "Taking care of sick kids is the worst. They are so miserable." Funny, I didn't feel that way. I was actually enjoying this reprieve from his constant activity. He was sitting still! Watching the TV for more than a few minutes! I took a shower!
It is hard to remember those days now. Scott seems so mature lately. He is doing so well. In school and with basketball. And even at home, getting along with his sister and helping out.
But the sickness thing is slowing him down. Last weekend he complained that his ear hurt and I promptly hauled him, kicking and screaming, to the doctor. Then he decided to stay home and miss his basketball game because he felt so tired and his chest hurt. He has been quiet this week. Afraid that he will feel lousy. "When will I ever be better?" he keeps asking.
Last night he coughed so much that he woke up and I had to give him medicine a 2:30am. This morning though, he perked up a bit. A big smile crossed his face as he looked at the clothes I had laid out for him, sweat pants and a t-shirt for gym class.
"Today is Triple Run Around Day!"
"Huh? Are you doing something special in gym?"
"No. It's just that I have gym and recess and basketball practice. All on the same day."
A trifecta of activity. I think he might be finally feeling like himself again.
** I, on the other hand, was dreading my scheduled 6 mile run, but I did do it. I thought about how much he likes to run while I toiled away, willing myself to take each step. I still don't feel like I am myself. I am going to jump back on the blogging train and attempt to write my way out of my funk. Because you never know what tomorrow might hold with a boy who is off and running again and the possibility of something as exciting as Triple Run Around Day.
Thanks to everyone who has been wondering where I've been. It is nice to feel missed and I am sorry for being out of touch. I will be posting updates on all sorts of things. I hope we are still friends. 'kay?
Nip on over and collect your award dearie.
Posted by: Maddy | February 10, 2008 at 10:03 AM
Matt - you watch LOST and I don't even know it. What other secrets are you hiding?
Sure, Laura, leave it to you to live up to the name Be-Yotchful! I'm mad at YOU for not starting a blog, so there! Oh wait, I was supposed to help you with that. OK, you have a right to be mad at me!
Posted by: Lori at Spinning Yellow | February 08, 2008 at 02:10 PM
I'm a little ticked-off quite frankly-however, I am glad u r back! Hope everyone feels better-we were all sick too, except Emma. TGIF......
Posted by: laura | February 08, 2008 at 12:07 PM
Triple Run Around Day = a dream come true.
Glad to see you're back.
Posted by: delilah | February 08, 2008 at 11:09 AM
wellcome back!
and sooooo glad Scott was well enough for gym AND recess AND basketball. that's what i need! some good old fashioned ACTIVITY!!
Posted by: kyra | February 08, 2008 at 10:39 AM
Aha! I've stuck you in my sidebar in the folder = 'no feed blogs' which sounds a bit mean, like I'm starving those little blogs or some cruel!
Glad you are both 'up and running' although you know I'm allergic to all that stuff.
It is amazing how they grow and learn and change.......probably us too huh?
Posted by: Maddy | February 08, 2008 at 09:54 AM
Missed you!
Posted by: Nanakat | February 08, 2008 at 08:29 AM
Please keep posting...I really need to know what's going on around here and was beginning to feel a bit "Lost" (good episode last night btw). Not every post has to be Pulitzer worthy :)...please keep posting!
Posted by: Matthew | February 08, 2008 at 07:50 AM
Ah, a Triple Run Around Day - what could be better? I love it!
And yes, you've been missed...please do write it out, I hope that works for you.
Posted by: Jordan | February 07, 2008 at 10:59 PM
Welcome back - hope Scott continues to get better...
Posted by: Don Mills Diva | February 07, 2008 at 10:55 PM
Hooray! You write. Write on. Glad to hear Scott is feeling better. I don't mind the sick days so much either. Kind of makes me feel like I have license to be a doting mom.
Missed you.
Posted by: kristen | February 07, 2008 at 10:32 PM