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February 23, 2008



It was a perfect snow day! We enjoyed the day as much as you did-it's about time the kids had a good snow day!!


Perfection--in the greatest form.

I bet that when your children are grown and holding their own children, they will remember this day.

Jen P

We get snow days meaning school lets out but not because of snow. Maybe a flurry spell for 10 minutes, but everyone here freaks out at the mere mention of snow. Geez!


Hooray! So glad you all got what sounds like a truly idyllic snow day together!

Julie Pippert

Snow day. Hmmm no such animal here in the subtropics, but it sounds like a good day for you. :)

slouching mom

sounds like a wonderful day.

Stacy from One March Day

It was refreshing to read about you enjoying your day. It seems we have had our fill of snow and cold weather for the year and have been in a "get on with spring already" type of mood.


um, cheeks (not checks), sigh.


Yes, it is so nice to finally have our snow day. Red checks, wet mittens, cold feet (no matter what!!!) and lots of crisp clean air. Nothing beats it. Enjoy!


Perfect day indeed!

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