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February 15, 2008



This is so beautiful. I love the pitcures. The way that they were taking just shows just how much you love that baby girl. I love you Julia and I always will. Cheyenne is a beautiful baby. I wish we were closer so I could be there to enjoy her too.

Lori at Spinning Yellow

Hi Jenny, blogess!
Thanks for your comment. It is very individual and you have to do what is best in your circumstance. One problem is that the cut-off dates are not universal (national). Where I live the cutoff is 9/15, but in NY where my cousin's daughter lives, the cutoff is in December. Her daughter's b-day is in Nov. so she is on the young side for her grade, but would be in the middle of the grade below here. Such inconsistencies are confusing, especially when each grade has to meet national levels of competency.

Angela at mommy bytes -
Thanks for commenting here, I've lurked at your sight before! I'll take this post being called a dissertation instead of long-winded, as my husband described it! I do think the apple often doesn't fall far from the tree, so if you had a similar experience, it certainly stands to reason that your son may need to be more challenged (be it with an enrichment program or skipping ahead).

As far as the categorizing of day care parents, I should have prefaced that with a general comment about how the parent's attitude can really impact the experience they have. I am glad it has worked out well for you, sounds like you took the right approach.

Angela at mommy bytes

I love your dissertation on these subjects! I'm an infrequent Manic Mommies listener, but I do keep up with them on their blog. I have a son in first grade who is at the top of his class academically, but getting worse in the behavior department. He is one of the older and biggest kids and I wonder if accelerating him might be better for him because he is bored. I went through the same issues as a child and eventually graduated at 16 and it worked for me.

And thankfully, even though we have a stay at home parent (my husband), we are in the number 1 category when it comes to daycare. This is probably because we transitioned from a two working parent household and created the trust with this daycare center before switching to part time.


Like you say, it depends on the child. Strangely it was my daughters that I held back due to immature social skills, but the boys 'had' to go early to get those services - what a strange world.
Best wishes

Jenny, bloggess

Good stuff here. My daughter has a fall birthday and I assumed I'd hold her back. When I mentioned that to her school they looked at me like I was an alien.

Lori at Spinning Yellow

Julie - I doubt you are anything like the parents I described! But preschool is different in that your kid is not there all day with the opportunity for good moments and not-so-good ones as well. Also, there were certainly parents who started in one category and moved to the first group once they realized that the school was good and that their children were happy. Some are a tougher sell, that is for sure!

Delilah - well, you know I can be opinionated!

Ahh, yes, Laura, I know who you mean! I will save the employee thing for another post, or perhaps you should do a guest post "secrets from the inside of a day care"

Erin of Manic Mommies - Thank you so much for your e-mail and for linking to this post! Welcome to any Manic Mommies listeners/readers!


Very interesting and articulate post! I'll bet you and I could have a conversation on exactly who these 3 different types of parents are and name them respectively. I have a few floating around right now in my head. We could also classify the employees too! Miss T is in a class all by herself and I don't mean my beloved partner ;)


You have a lot to say on these subjects that is certainly worth listening to.

Julie Pippert

How interesting to read your take on it! I am mightily fearful that I am #3 on your daycare description, only for schools. I walk in without having or not having trust. There are things you can do to earn my trust. The preschool teachers have done this. I have utter faith in them and they are Gold as far as I am concerned. Not so much for the others.

And I think you have wise advice.

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