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December 18, 2007



Ive got a headache coming on!!


Hey Lori,

Holy Hannah! While I sometimes worry that A's homework is too easy, I'm grateful that at the end of the day, doing homework is not a stressful event for us. Some of that homework seems insane for 1st grade - I'm sure Scott is at the top of the class intellectually, so just think of the trouble that many others must have had with it. No one in 1st grade should have to deal with that!


Why am I suddenly craving for candies looking at the pic?

*OOT...isn't it?*


i DiDn'T dO sO wElL. i Am CoFuSeD rIgHt NoW. nEeD mOrE CoWbElL, oOpS, i MeAn CoFfEe.


I posted on Advocating with the schools if you want to check it out! Thanks!

Julie Pippert

That seems a bit beyond most first-graders I know. But I also think that homework from schools and worksheets frustrate me because they are not open ended enough.

Aliki just posted that her son answered, "Someone with a PhD" in reply to the question, "What is a Doctor?" And that was wrong! But, no, no it's not, it's right, just not the answer the teacher sought. That frustrates me.

Using My Words


I think it is ridiculous for a first grader to have the letter sequencing that you posted. It is far too challenging for a typical first grader(even some adults!), and like you said, tough to handle at the end of the day. I dont see the point. Both of my boys have had sequencing of patterns and ITW had some with numbers in 2nd grade. Of course he then created his own that totally blew me and SW away!

Lori at Spinning Yellow

Delilah - yeah, this week should be little to no homework, no one can focus!

Hannah - I am opposed to homework as well, but such is life in the public school. I think it really cuts into family time.

SM - I didn't think of it that way, thanks for your insight as a parent with an older child. Scott liked the idea of doing this work, just not putting it on the paper. Especially late in the day.

Marla - hello! Thanks for reading and commenting. I've toyed with homeschooling and will not totally rule it out, if it makes sense in the future. For now, I complain, but overall, school is a good thing for both Scott and me.

Jen P. - You are not alone! I love this stuff! I even do logic problems for fun. But, yeah, what I was trying to say was that it seemed over-the-top for first grade. Thanks for playing along!! I think your answers are correct.


oh my, you lost me somewhere around the lines and the dots. The alphabet problems? No way. Either too tired to concentrate or seriously in need of repeating first grade!!!

Very glad this was not our homework!!

Jen P

Am I the only nerd that got excited about figuring out these patterns???

a, b, a, b, c, a, b , c , d , a , b , c , d , e

a, b, A, c, a, d, A, e , a , f , A , g , a , h

z, y, y, x, w, w, v, u , u , t , s , s , r , q

The nerdy, overachiever that I am, That was fun! But no, wouldn't expect a 1st grader to know how to do that. It is interesting your thoughts on copying versus doing. I think I can see that in The Elder. When he has to copy he will either avoid it or he will attempt it and then scribble all over the page. But if you tell him to write his name, he can do it very legibly.


I hate homework! I actually had it written in my daughter's IEP that no homework would be sent home. It had little value and it caused lots of stress and tears after a long day of trying to make it through school. Now we homeschool.

slouching mom

ben gets this kind of homework all the time. he enjoys the challenge -- sometimes -- but you're right, it has nothing to do with what they're learning.

it's teaching to the standardized tests that they'll have to take (ben's already taken them) -- that's what it is.


There is so much evidence now that homework actually does nothing to enhance the learning process... and seeing this makes me understand why. Yeesh. I don't know how I did... but I suspect not good.


I'm with you on the homework as reinforcement thing. 'Tis the season for busy work, especially this week!

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