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November 19, 2007



Lori, I totally get it about the man/woman thing. It annoys me that I am the one spending 24/7 with Nik and yet certain docs will talk to Niksdad like he's the one who knows everything. GRR...good thing we make such a good team! Sounds like you and Matt do too.

Sound like Scott is doing really well! That's awesome about the gifted program.


I'm so glad to hear your conference went well. Excellent suggestions too!

Interesting timing of this post since I'm stressing out about the fact that D. can't accompany me to today's IEP (well, he'll be there for all of the first 20 minutes IF it starts on time as he has to meet SB at dismissal). Let's hope this mom gets some respect.


I agree w/the man/respect thing-I make Rich go everywhere w/me-it's annoying. Your suggestions for his teacher were great and Matt also had a good perspective-it really helps having your partner by your side. We had Dallas's last night and as usual, it is quite amusing! I'll have to tell you about it when I see you.


First, I will be happy when NaBloPoMo is over--I can't keep up with your daily posts! :) Your grading system reminds me of our school's-- ITW recieved a "2" (0-4, 4 being highest) in science, which I was surprised to see. Turns out they had just started the unit, and so she didn't give anyone higher than a 2. How does that make sense? What happened to A's, B's and C's? I have a hard time with all of the subjective grading. Glad to hear that she seems to be receptive to the sensory suggestions that you gave to her.


Very positive! I'm glad you gave her those suggestions. Let's hope she follows your advice!


This happens to me at work. I will tell somebody something and they'll be mad. So my boss (a man) will get on the phone and say the EXACT same thing (hello -- he taught me how to do my job!) and they will thank him profusely. It's annoying.

But it sounds like Scott is doing really well -- you must be doing a great job of helping him work through his issues.

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