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November 03, 2007



Emily, hi, welcome and tnkhas for the note. "If a label like SPD doesn't exist, they will either be labeled with a disorder that they clearly don't have" ha! "Clearly" is an interesting choice of words.

Staci Schoff

I'll be so excited if I can really comment -- test!


"And so I saw another side to his playing sports today. His chance to be free from the irritations and difficulties of his regular life."

How lucky for Scott that you figured this out and are giving him these opportunities that will allow him to thrive.


That's great for Scott have somewhere that he can be so free, and great for you to be able to feel his joy!

Lori at Spinning Yellow


Yea!! You got in!

That is it, what you were saying about the isolated concentration. He has trouble with motor planning and bilateral coordination. For instance, I can't tell him how to do something like take off a shirt. I can't even show him, I have to physically move his body so that he can feel it to learn the appropriate motions.

But chasing a ball? Knocking someone over? That just comes naturally, no thinking involved!


Ok, Lori, let's see if this posting thing works now! ;-)

I totally understand what you are saying about Scott and coorindation. I wonder if it's because he's so much more focused on the game and the bigger picture of that versus the isolated concentration required for the whole "arms up/together while legs go out and apart" of jumping jacks or the precision of Head Shoulders Knees Toes.

I can see Nik being this way in a few years, too. He loves the crashing and falling, the racing maniacally from end to end of the room.

It IS wonderful to see the ones we love full of complete joy in what they are doing. Absolutely. And, hey, sounds like you have ideas for two more posts already! ;-)

Lori at Spinning Yellow

Thanks, Kristen. As soon as I read your comment I realized I should have further explained. B/c he has a high pain tolerance, he can fall down easily and actually likes getting this kind of proprioceptive input. I think this is probably true of certain athletes, like football players. I, on the other hand, have a very low threshold for such physical pain and could never tolerate being pushed and tackled. In this way, his sensory differences actual work to his advantage. You know?

Also, when you see how hard it is for him to coordinate his body to do jumping jacks or to follow along with the motions to a song (think, "head, shoulders, knees and toes") it is actually obvious that there is a glitch in that part of his brain. He is naturally athletic like many of his relatives before him (not me! but almost all others) so you can see where he gets it, but he is not just overall coordinated. Make sense?


I've read in some of your other posts comments you've made about Scott being such a good athlete, but the way you outline it here and tie it into his sensory issues and other challenges--well, first of all, I am SO glad he has this. And yes, it is kind of odd that in light of all this other stuff, his natural ability on the field shines in such a beautiful way.

My son has serious motor planning issues that spill over onto everything he does--soccer included. How wonderful for Scott that his time playing soccer (and baseball) is when he is really able to come into his own. And there are so many parallels you can draw from sports to life and vice versa that I imagine this is going to give you a lot of opportunities to talk Scott through other, more difficult situations.

Great post, Lori! Keep 'em coming...

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