I have been tagged by my cyber-buddy, Kristen, at From Here to There and Back, for a meme about 7 things. Although I have some other memes that I am supposed to do, I am tackling this one first because a) it is easier than the others and b) I also got tagged by my new bloggy friend, March Day who wrote her post here. So I am employing the FIFO (first in, first out) method, instead of LIFO (last in, first out) which is usually the more recommended way of doing things.
I am supposed to share 7 facts about myself, then tag 7 people. OK, talking about myself shouldn't be a problem, but finding 7 people to tag, that haven't been tagged yet? No way. But first the oh-so-interesting things about me (and I am tempted to just recycle information from this post, but will refrain as I have already put it out there):
- I was a Business Logistics major in college which means I learned about manufacturing and transportation. At its best, it was a fascinating world of how things like m&ms are made; at its worst, it was becoming knowledgeable in different kinds of trucks and freight codes. All classes in my major started with the course code "b-log", pronounced "bee log". Which begs for a post (as my friend tac, who also studied this, pointed out) called "from b-log to blogging". You were wondering how I knew about FIFO and LIFO, weren't you?
- I used to collect cow things. It is not important, really, how this started, but I was doing it before other people were (I swear) and it had nothing to do with it being popular. I have cow paintings, puzzles, dishes, clothes, a road sign (which was confiscated in college by the dorm police), everything, including enough ornaments to cover a whole Christmas tree. My husband does not care too much for this collection and I have stopped feeding it (although I still enjoy taking out all those ornaments each year!).
- When I was 11 years old I was chosen to participate in a cool program called CISV (Children's International Summer Villages). I traveled to Egypt for a whole month without my family and stayed in a camp with children from countries all over the world.
- I never wanted to have my ears pierced but gave in before my sister's wedding (so I could wear the earrings like everyone else). My ear holes have closed up 2 times since then and have had to be re-pierced. I don't think I will do it a third time even though I have beautiful diamond earring studs to wear in them (wedding present from my husband).
- I am the least domestic of my siblings, not able to cook, sew, iron, garden or clean very well. Ironically, I spend the most time home doing those kinds of activities of the three of us.
- I was not one of those girls who wanted to have a baby and I was the worst babysitter, evah. When my mom started the day care school I was in high school and it never occurred to me that I could work there. I used to make fun of my sorority sisters who were early childhood or elementary education majors because their courses seemed so easy. What I wouldn't give now to have a background in education and a teaching certificate. Who's laughing now?
- I have dated several guys with last names of famous authors or ones that sound very close.
Random enough? I could go on... Oh, you've had enough?
Alright, then I tag (and I really think everyone has already been tagged so I am checking blogs and hoping I get lucky!):
Delilah at Floating in Space (who was tagged, but I just had to include her, my best blogging pal!)
Jordan at The Wonderwheel - did you do this already?
Niksmom - once again, pardon me if you've already done this or have been tagged by someone else (ok, I just saw you tagged elsewhere, but I am leaving you here because you haven't done this yet, have you? OK, it is getting late...).
Jenn at I Serve the Queens
Julie at Using My Words
Since so many people seem to have done this already, I am going to play with the rules and ask my reader friends who don't have blogs to chime in, so I add (and if you don't want to because I know some of you are kind of private people, no, not you, Laura, but others, I do not mind if you choose not to participate, just please still come here and read from time to time!):
Laura, tac, Dee, Cyndi, and anyone else who wants to.
You can leave your 7 things here in the comments or e-mail to me (yeah, that's a good idea, then I can make another post out of this! Or you could share some crazy thing about me, I could always delete it if I want to).
Looking forward to reading about you!
Better late than never!
Posted by: MommyWithAttitude | December 02, 2007 at 03:00 PM
OK-here we go, 7 facts about me:
1. I was the May Queen in the 8th grade.
2. I am the only one of my 10 siblings not named after a saint, but named after a song.
3. When I was 19 years old, I tried out for the Eagle's cheerleaders and made it to final cuts. After learning of the grueling practice schedule and also investing a whopping $500.00 for a shore rental for the summer w/girlfriends, I dropped out. Ahh, to be young & stupid again!
4. I don't eat veal b/c I feel sorry for the baby calves.
5. I have met so many celebrities, I lost track/count.
6. I have a total of 2 skeletons in my closet. One a mistake and one a personal regret.
7. I was the first one in third grade allowed to write with a pen-this was BIG in Catholic school.
Posted by: Laura | November 29, 2007 at 04:34 PM
So interesting that many of you could relate to #6!
Kristen - there was a store in Manhattan beach, outside LA, that sold all cow things, very hip, maybe it was the same owner?
Julie - yes, you have been busy, and no pressure from me for sure, I am waaaay behind with memes and I never seem to get to your Hump Day posts either!
Posted by: Lori at Spinning Yellow | November 27, 2007 at 10:01 PM
Good ones, Lori. The cows, oh, the cows! Who could froget about the cows? And I will vouch for you that you were a collector long before anyone else. I was a B-log major for one semester if you recall. I couldn't handle the discussions about trucks and trains-- I was out of there!
Kristen, I will have to think of some good Lori stories to post sometime.
Posted by: Dee | November 27, 2007 at 09:25 PM
I have not done this meme! Good catch. And thank you. After today I am brain dead and so busy, this will be a good fill. Oh DUDE, I have Hump Day tomorrow. I may cry. Thursday-ish I'll fulfill my tag.
I am beside myself LOL at your #6..so the same here LOL.
Great list!
Using My Words
Posted by: Julie Pippert | November 27, 2007 at 06:56 PM
Okay, where are the crazy stories about you from your friends? C'mon people...
Funny, I flirted with a cow thing once too. Didn't acquire too much before losing interest, but there was this amazing cow novelty store at Pier 39 (I think that's the name?) in San Francisco, and I remember buying a cow apron and a few other things that day. It was like cow nirvana. Wonder if it's still there?
Posted by: kristen | November 27, 2007 at 10:35 AM
I'm with you on #6. At one time I briefly considered pursuing a degree in elementary education, but my mom discouraged me for some reason. She was an elementary teacher until I was born. Sure wish I could go back and re-do that decision. Then again, I could go back to school....
Posted by: March Day | November 27, 2007 at 10:00 AM
Oh I could so relate to #6! As I was being the radio news big-wig on campus they were gaining skills I need NOW. (I did take some ECE courses shortly before I got preganant with Nik though.)
Ok, I'll be a sport and play along...who else tagged me? I missed that one!
Posted by: Niksmom | November 27, 2007 at 08:52 AM
I'm right with you on #5, although I am improving.
Egypt- wow!
Posted by: delilah | November 27, 2007 at 07:24 AM