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November 05, 2007



The Crocs look awesome! I can't wear regular Crocs because they are too wide for my feet. Maybe the furry Crocs would be more snug. I will have to check them out!


I love Crocs too and you know I love them even more so that they are in fashion!

That is interesting about the 1/2 year theory-Dallas is permantly in 1/2 year mode! I must get that book to you soon ;) It helped me through Dallas's third year or should I say 3 1/2!


I wish my feet weren't so narrow so I could wear those crocs. We're a no-shoes house too so they'd make great slippers.

Why haven't I heard of this half-year developmental thing before? Very interesting.


I must invest in a pair of those Crocs! It's funny that you should mention the half-year developmental funk. I think Kate is starting hers, and Annie will be close behind. Hang in there!

Lori at Spinning Yellow

Cyndi -
If I had been able to get her in the car, I am sure she would have fallen asleep. I am hoping Lee will do some big thing, too, soon. Because it better not be the wind up to holiday crankiness already!!!


We had the exact same day, well almost. I FINALLY got Lee in the car and he fell asleep. You've reminded me there might be some logical reason for his cranky behavior lately, or perhaps it's just wishful thinking?

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