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October 24, 2007



"I find meaning and significance in everything"

Makes for the best kind of writing.

Good luck!


Thanks for your kind words on Kristen's blog.

I'm glad I stopped by.

Lori at Spinning Yellow

From my friend Delilah who writes at Floating in Space (http://floatinginspace-lorig.blogspot.com/):

There are no coincidences - this I truly believe. Coincidence that we met at a playgroup 5 years ago? I think not.

Lori at Spinning Yellow

Jordan - Thanks. I would love to be chatting in a coffee shop right now instead of providing snacks and cleaning up!

SM - You are a genius! Isn't the internet great!

Kristen - Thanks, I feel fortunate to have found this corner of the blogosphere, but then again, as I was saying, we were all drawn to each other by our experiences and ideas and our ability to share these things.

Dee - Thanks! I will heed your advice and focus on what has been accomplished. I am glad you reminded me of this more positive view.

Lori at Spinning Yellow

From my friend Dee:

Don't focus on what you aren't doing. Focus on what you have done: you've raised awareness on SPD, you've encouraged others to try new things, like exercise or whatever might interest them. And you've given us a new look into your world, and we appreciate your sharing it with us! Quality, not quantity!


I truly love that "more than the sum of its parts." Is slouching mom a genius, or what?

And yes, Lori, I love your crazy interconnected thoughts and am always happy to stop by and find a new post. Somehow we've all come together in this little corner of the world and I believe we are all the richer because of it.

slouching mom

That's exactly why I love our corner of the blogosphere -- because the whole (posts plus commentary) is more than the sum of its parts.

Jordan Sadler

Wow, this is great, Lori. All I can say is that I really felt what you were saying and it made me wish you were sitting here in this coffee shop in Chicago where I am "working" right now, so that we could talk about all that. Keep getting it out there when you can - what you have to say is really important.

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