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October 10, 2007


Oh, The Joys

Congratulations! (and breathe deeply, friend!)


pardon my typo... "dissecting"


It's one thing to give a dissenting opinion but diessecting someone's entire blog and then analyzing it to such an extent seems more than just trollish.

In any case, does it really matter if Lori ports her anxieties onto her blog? Does it really warrant such scrutiny? I'm thinking not.


Hmm...your real name isn't Rachel and you work for an airline. Interesting. We enjoy your comments. Who are you really? I think we already know.


Gee, as one just passing by and posting a comment (the comments did not specify "post your support and approval here"), I never exepected to attain such a position of prominence on your blog. I'm flattered. So, be careful what you wish for, 'cause here I am, by request! But just a word to my detractors: when one essentially maintains a personal blog that is in essence, a personal diary that one, for whatever reason, wants everyone to see, one must expect a range of responses. It's out there in the public domain; it's now subject to public scrutiny, for better or worse. Yes, I can't say that I "know" Lori. All I did was read the words. And if you compare this journal to others--I've read a lot of diaries and memoirs over the years (I was an English major and went on to grad school for the same thing...and I'm sure that you detractors will find issue with more here, but go right ahead. Feel free.) and one thing I've learned is that language, whether used intentionally or not, is no accident. So, when I just look at the words used throughout the blog, patterns develop. One of the consistent patterns, which results in a general tone, is one of anxiety, which I mentioned, and even more promintent, is ambivalence. It seems that you, Lori, are seeking an outlet for your domestic frustration. You have an IQ of 130, which means that you are within the top 2 percent of all human beings in terms of intellect. You need intellectual stimulation beyond what the domestic sphere can offer you. As it is, one of your blog entries equates "nice" with "boring" (something with which I agree entirely;nice is a word one uses when something more descriptive just doesn't fit)From what I gather, you don't work outside the home. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing, but it seems that you want something else but don't know what that is yet and it seems that a 3rd child may be an attempt to fill a void--yet it may not be what you're craving inside. Your blog seems like a way to find what you're craving (and we're not talking ice cream here) and mere kudos for your domesticity, I don't think, are really doing it for you. Which is where I come in. And because nice is boring, I'm trolling.

Just an interesting aside: it's fascinating how you chose running as a diversion...it's also an uncanny juxtoposition in between "parenting, SPD" and "family." Just think about the implications. I know it is a real activity, but placed in between the other words, it's as if you need to get away quickly to find yourself. It's so metaphorical. And your "Spinning Yellow" title recalls a short story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman called "The Yellow Wallpaper" (originally published in 1891)but just for the heck of it, check it out. It may appear in some anthologies. Or look online.

Jordan Sadler

Wow, it really is a wild ride, this life, isn't it? I'm so happy for you about this 3rd baby, sometimes I've thought we might go for it but right now it seems unlikely. But it hasn't haunted me with quite the same intensity as you - I'm glad you're getting what you want. And I have no doubt that Scott and Jane are going to be so helpful.

And the move? Well, it's a big deal to relocate your family but wonderful things can come of it. Matt and I were in Boston for a couple years while I got my Master's and we were so happy there. I'm a New Englander myself and often miss it. I bet you'll love it. I have good professional contacts there, too! ;-)

Barb Laurenson

Three is the new two!! Congratulations!!! Oh, so so calm, because you'll get to hold another adorable, sweet angel. Mike and I always knew two was the limit for us, and I am calm because Mike is going under the knife in just a few short weeks. However, I am shocked to find that there is a part of me - the illogical part - that would love a third. That makes me happy - to know that babies and children are so wondrous that they can make us feel, think and do things that we NEVER thought we would.

Lori at Spinning Yellow

Kristen, Kyra and Niksmom: "Life is messy" - just what I was trying to say, you wise friends, you.

SM - yep, Boston is still only a day drive from here (no plane ride) and I do feel confident that the kids will be helpful with the baby.

Deliah & Laura - I am sad, too, to leave such good friends (if this pans out) but we will always have the internet so the world is a lot bigger and smaller at the same time!

Laura - so clever!

Dee - yes, the decision is the hardest part!

Lori at Spinning Yellow

From Niksmom who also has trouble with Typepad:

Ditto what Kristen said. And the troll? Obviously needs a life and thought yours was more interesting so she tried it on for size? Maybe she realized she couldn't handle the responsibility and split? (Niksmom)

Lori at Spinning Yellow

From my friend Dee (I've got to figure out what is going on with her and typepad!):

Indecision is like paralysis. You are free now! Lots of things are happening now, new baby, new job, new outlook. You'll look back someday and marvel at how you did it all.

In life there are always pros and cons, good and bad, calm and panic, as you put it. We would be thoughtless, robotic beings otherwise. You just have to try to be happy with whatever situation you are presented with. Easier said than done, but it sounds good!


Calm b/c sometimes I am a miserable mom and I like it that way.

Calm b/c my husband had a vascectomy.

Calm b/c you so threw it back at the troll.

Panic b/c of the thought of you all moving.

slouching mom

I've never understood why trolls don't have better things to do with their time than being trollish.

Boston is great. And really, in the scheme of things, it's not prohibitively far from where you are.

My guess is that not only will your kids not be difficult on the arrival of Number Three, but they will be extremely helpful. They are old enough to be so.


i'm with kristen! life, she is messy and wonderful. this is such a rich and exciting time!


Boston? I'm sitting here crying right now.


What's a troll commenter?

And yes, change is good. And life is messy. And we do the best we can. You'll be fine.

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