Every fall we all get sick. It usually happens at the end of September, but this year it is happening in the beginning. It settled in right as school was starting. I felt tired and achy and then the stuffed up nose and the cough. And everyone else is the same.
We've managed by taking lots of drugs and skipping things like going to playdates and running. Jane is the one I worry about the most because for the past two years, her sickness has turned into something worse like bronchitis. We have to really give her lots of meds and nebulizer treatments ("nebbie"s).
I think it has to do with the change in seasons and allergies. The cough lingers on and makes people afraid to come near us. But we are all getting better. I went running on Friday and hope to be up to speed for my 10K race next Sunday.
Unfortunately, this ailment is not the only illness we have. We each have some others:
She was bitten by the singing bug earlier in life, but has really been infected with the desire to perform. I took her to her first dance class last week and it couldn't have been cuter. The quintessential, straight backed teacher who had the girls dance around and at one point put on fairy wings. Jane loved every minute of it. If she could wear her leotard round the clock, she would.
She sings and dances constantly. Mimicking movies and videos and also making up her own lyrics. This is down right adorable but drives Scott crazy. She likes to put on the same dress every day and then asks me to fix her hair with as many "prettys" as I can fit. She looks at herself in the mirror, pleased, and announces, "I look bootiful."
I don't see her being cured any time soon (if ever).
She's also been inflicted with the "I need someone to help me fall asleep" sickness. She likes to have her door open and call for us. Over and over. Matt usually gives in and lies down on the floor next to her bed and promptly falls asleep.
I think she'll get better on her own, although I know we can make her recovery faster by not giving in to her demands.
Right before school started he came down with the Peter Pan syndrome, complaining that he doesn't want to grow up. He feels, now that he is away from home for more hours than he is awake here, that life is on a steady downhill slide. He is upset about the lack of time he has to play outside, talk with me, watch tv, and generally do stuff at home.
"I'll never be little again and at home with you," he laments. "I don't want to grow up. Being an adult is bad!"
"Will there ever be anything else that happens in my life that is as big as the first day of school?"
Yeah, I can think of a few, but I guess this is the biggest one for awhile.
In addition, he went quickly from being exhausted and overwhelmed by school to now having the disease known as over-confidence. "School is easy. I can do all the work already."
I think I might need to e-mail his teacher for a cure called "way harder school work."
He's been infected with the e-bay induced bike-swapping sickness. This is a recurring, chronic illness for him. One he generally gets when he is unhappy with his current bicycle for what ever reason and then starts trading out parts. This time though he has it so bad that he bought a new bike that turned out not to be the right size, sold his current bike, sold the new bike, and now bought something similar to what he had to begin with.
This is a serious disorder that has no known cure. It is not contagious, but does makes me completely crazy.
I have Back to School Night-itis. After two full weeks of the first day of school, the first day of soccer practice, the first soccer game, the first dance class, the first day at preschool and then back to back, back to school nights, I am totally spent. Enough already.
I have been waiting for the routine to begin so lets get on with it. I like to know what my kids will be doing and find out their schedules but hours of meetings about it are not necessary. Especially all at the same time.
The dog is almost 10 years old (70 in doggy years) and she sure is showing it. A few weeks ago she was throwing up blood and we had to rush her to the vet. She is sort of OK now, if you don't count the 4 times she needs to go out at night, the off and on bouts of stomach ailments, and the fact that she's never really, truly been well. Oh, Libby, we love you, but you are one big needy, sickly, costly, pain in the ass.
Matt & I
This is the worst, most debilitating sickness of them all. We both, at the same time, have caught the "let's throw caution to the wind, get liquored up, forget about birth control, and see if we end up with another baby" illness.
Yes, you read that right.
It is a sickness that causes you to lose your mind and neglect all the common sense you usually have. You block out that the bread-winner is currently job-hunting, that the baby-carrier is almost 40, that we wanted to be able to afford to go to Disney World before 2015.
This is followed quickly by the sober reality that this was probably not a wise thing to do.
Primary symptom: Nausea
And perhaps a little bit of excitement.
Have you gone to the store yet ;)?
Posted by: mjshapiro | October 01, 2007 at 01:16 PM
Also, my friend Dee sent this e-mail:
We've been through many of the same illnesses (except the dog's), especially the last one. Sorry I wasn't overly excited or encouraging on the phone (being at work and all). At least you will be at peace knowing that you did what your heart was telling you to do (liquor helps to clarify things! LOL). I have a sickness of my own: "Lost-in-Blog-itis", where I read your blog, which leads me to others blogs, and before you know it 2 hours have passed by and I am still sitting here. This is why you haven't seen me much lately. So, I just visited and got semi caught up and now I will be gone for awhile. Wishing you the best! -D."
Posted by: Lori at Spinning Yellow | September 19, 2007 at 08:38 PM
Niksmom had to e-mail again b/c typepad is giving her more trouble. Here is what she tried to comment:
Anyway, I wanted to say congrats on the pregnancy! Well, that and "Thank goodness it's not contageous!" ;-)
Seriously, congratulations.
Beth aka/Niksmom
Posted by: Lori at Spinning Yellow | September 19, 2007 at 08:35 PM
Thanks everyone!
Laura - Mr. Bus Stop, *snort*
Mcewen - all at once, for sure, at least the misery is over faster
Julie - welcome! So glad you came by and that you laughed. Hmmm, I'll have to think about the Disney World fertility trip.
Posted by: Lori at Spinning Yellow | September 17, 2007 at 09:04 PM
Sorry sorry but LMAO!
Oh the "needs help going to sleep" disorder. It's a disorder here b/c so far it's permanent.
As for your last one, GL to you!! whichever way I mean it and you take it. LOL ;)
BTW, if you ever read Halushki, that's her story...baby carrier almost 40, goes to Disney, comes home PG. I'm amazed how many people I know who brought home babies as souvenirs. ;) Maybe Disney now. LOL
I've got a lot of -itis right now, most especially the Lazitis and Crankitis.
Using My Words
Posted by: Julie Pippert | September 17, 2007 at 05:30 PM
Good luck with that last one!
Over here the Rooster has croup. Ugh.
Posted by: Oh, The Joys | September 17, 2007 at 04:50 PM
You totally crack me up! Hope the baby-itis thing works out ;)
Posted by: Delilah | September 17, 2007 at 11:23 AM
I can never work out if I prefer consecutive or simultaneous ailments! Wishing you extra power to your battery pack.
Best wishes
Posted by: Maddy | September 16, 2007 at 10:38 PM
Wow, I love the cliff-hanger!! I hope it works out for you! We too get many of these forms of illness. I totally have Back-to-School-itis and can't wait for the ridiculous meetings to end, and we all got the allergy/cold thing the *day* the temperature suddenly dropped last week. Ugh.
Posted by: Jordan Sadler | September 16, 2007 at 09:02 PM
Wow. Your house is busy, busy, busy!! I really love this post. Wishing you all health, happiness and may all your wildest dreams come true...
Posted by: kristen | September 16, 2007 at 08:26 PM
This was totally funny! I didn't even go the either back-to-school nights b/c #1 I had to work and #2 Mr. Bus Stop now works at home so he went! I LOVE it and I agree-these meetings are nothing but a PITA!! The end was great-I'll drink to that-been there, done that. See you Friday-hope you guys are feeling better!
Posted by: Laura | September 16, 2007 at 02:51 PM
Really? Truly? I'm so happy for you! Congratulations!
Had to laugh at Back-to-School-itis. I've got it too.
This post made me laugh, beginning to end. And at the end, the surprise twist! Perfect!
Posted by: slouching mom | September 16, 2007 at 09:14 AM