At a neighborhood playgroup today, one of the moms was asking if our kids sang The Name Song in Kindergarten.
Scott, Scott, bo bott, Banana, fana, fo fott, Fee fi mo mott, Scott
Did Scott sing this? Like every. second. for months. Before I could get all nostalgic about Kindergarten and how I miss his teacher, my friend, who writes at the blog Floating In Space, said, "Good thing there aren't any Chucks or Arts in the class." I laughed all day about that.
But I did do some reminiscing about his former teacher and how good she was with the kids. How she was the perfect teacher. And she was attractive and ...classy, to use my dad's lingo.
Compared to this year's teacher who is sarcastic and a little crass. The kids think she's funny, usually, but Scott doesn't always get it exactly.
The other day he told me he "guessed" (he can actually see the amount without counting, so he didn't guess) the correct number of tally marks on the board and his teacher said, "You varmint!"
"Mommy, isn't varmint a word for poop?"
"No, sweetie, I think you are thinking of vomit, which is a word for throw-up."
"Well, what's varmint, then?"
"Um, like a fox or a wolf that kills small animals like rats. I guess she was saying you got her because you answered so fast."
Then today when Scott came home and told me that they only get one recess from now on, "Our teacher said we need to get off our heinies and get some exercise."
"What did she say?"
"You know, get off our heinies, our butts."
He might be adjusting to first grade, but clearly, I am not.
You would suffer at my house. Last night we worked on alphabet recognition.
B is for boobies!
F is for FART!!
Posted by: Oh, The Joys | September 27, 2007 at 03:54 PM
Okay, why oh why doesn't typepad ever remember me? I check the box!
Anyway, maybe hold off until you meet the teacher...A sense of humor is not a bad thing, but flippant and crass? Well. Let's hope not.
My son's teacher taught them "a round of applause" -- they are supposed to howl like wolves! So now, my literal son, will take to howling in appreciation of just about everything. Not always appropriate, don't you agree? Sigh.
Posted by: kristen | September 25, 2007 at 10:54 AM
That song was in my head ALL DAY yesterday. Hey, thanks for mentioning me in your post. I've been a total slacker...been writing a post about Annie's first day of school for the past week. Just not enough hours in the day!
Posted by: Delilah | September 25, 2007 at 07:47 AM
SM - She's OK, I think it's good for Scott to be with people who are different than M&D sometimes anyway (but, please, for me, don't ever use "heinie", makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up!) Thanks for the proper spelling!
Laura - Ha Ha Ha!! You slay me!
Posted by: Lori at Spinning Yellow | September 25, 2007 at 07:08 AM
I say on chat night when u discussin' the learnin' stuff you go take it outside on da' cee-ment an slug the be-yotch. That'll teach-her!
Posted by: Laura | September 25, 2007 at 06:35 AM
Heh. Give it time. You'll be meeting her at conference time, right? That'll be the true test.
(A lot depends on her tone when she says "varmint" and "heinie," IMHO.)
Posted by: slouching mom | September 24, 2007 at 10:37 PM