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August 29, 2007


Lori at Spinning Yellow

Her Bad Mother sent me this comment via e-mail (typepad is NOT nice to her, apparently):

Once again, I'm finding it difficult to log-in to leave comments at your site, but I wanted to say THANKS - so much - for the nice award and the sweet, sweet comments about me. I was SO glad that you came to BlogHer. Maybe next year we'll get to talk more!

Her Bad Mother at http://www.badladies.blogspot.com/

Lori at Spinning Yellow

Thanks, everyone, for the nice comments. Glad to see that I am appreciated for being me, in whatever way that it is "nice".

Barb Laurenson

I'm finally catching up with Spinning Yellow! I love it so much. "Wholesome, just like milk," is one of those vivid high school memories. Lori, he definitely had a crush on you! I'm surprised that your team building experiences revealed you as "nice." Of course I love you, but "nice" is NOT the word that comes to mind when I think of you, and I don't mean that in a mean or negative way! You are too honest and straightforward to be "nice." I think you're spot-on about yourself that you're the friend that makes me laugh, makes me think (!!!) and talks alot about yourself (which I love, because people are too guarded).

Lori at Spinning Yellow

Oh, it WAS Barb. You, who ran away and we feared we'd never see you alive again, are not boring! Nor is Barb, but she's the one that was in class with me for the wholesome comment.
So glad I got you to sign in, anyway. And check back, girlfriend, b/c you've been my partner in crime for many, many things and I have a post planned about one of them (Dartmouth, circa 1993, lists of what we want to accomplish in life).


You finally got me to sign on just to see if it was me or Barb that was your partner in crime! Since Barb's not boring (and I am), it seems unlikely that it would be her.


Thank you! Like you, I used to be the "Super nice!!!" kind of girl (although I was never compared to milk - that's pretty original). I think my old self would have annoyed the hell out of my current self.

Truly honored, Lori. Thank you again.


Bossy got a Nice Award? She is so honored, even if her husband and kids are right now building their defense about how it isn't always true.

Oh, The Joys

Thank you so much Lori!

(Kyla at The Journey posted a button for this that is less girly!!)


Love it! I hate being referred to as "nice" too. But you are and I know I am too and you know what? Nice matters. Even if it is sometimes boring and blah, it's better than nasty. However, when I do start blogging, my name will not be so nice (tee-hee!).

slouching mom

Thank you for those, umm, nice words about me.

Like you, I have an ambivalent relationship with "nice."

Congrats. to you, or at least the part of you that doesn't mind being called nice! Well deserved!


Oh my god! Can you hear me laughing? I'm not a big fan of the word "nice" either, and you might have noticed I didn't display the girly girl pink image on my blog, but hid it away behind a link...(I am so not a pink girl)

But, you ARE nice and by that, I mean supportive and sincere and genuine and open and kind and real. Yes, real. As in you say what you mean and you share the good and the bad and that has to count for something.

So, go ahead and chuckle. I still say you are nice. (And I'm not a great friend either. I get very lost in my world and forget all sorts of important things about the people I love. It's so much easier to be a blog friend.)


You ARE nice! And funny too and have a great laugh.

Thanks for thinking of me. I have 2 posts done! Now if only I could figure out all the techy stuff...

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