The two week potty review can be summed up now with: It's over.
She is now, officially, potty trained. I'm not saying that she might not have accidents or what not, but she's got it going on now. She even wakes up with a dry Nighttime-Princess-PullUp. So, you know if you've been wondering why I don't post more, this is just one of many things that seem to take me away from being able to actually use full sentences and write coherently.
But, hey, isn't that true of all mommy bloggers? So, I will spare you the daily scoring of peeing on the floor and pooped in underpants. Of fights about putting on clothes (she prefers to be naked) and wearing a diaper (she keeps asking for one). Of asking her over and over if she needs to go, only to have her then pee all over the carpet in front of the tv. The hours of sitting in the bathroom reading her books while she sits and sings but doesn't go in the toilet (while I wonder, I might add, if it would be wrong of me to bring my laptop into the bathroom, you know, 'cause if I'm going to be trapped in there and all I might as well get something done). Of spending the whole summer taking her to the pool in the stupid, non-absorbent, swim diapers and having people look at me like, why is your at least 4 year old wearing that (because Jane is tall and looks older than she is). And on the very last day we go to the pool she finally goes without a diaper.
You know, the regular stuff.
"I'm so proud of myself! Now I get to go to preschool!" Yeah, we held that over her head.
I still say that this potty training, just like eating and sleeping, is not about being a good parent. And now that it is said and done, I still don't know what works and why. You won't be getting any advice from me on this topic. Plus, now I have two new problems.
First, I have to deal with my germaphobic issues while she needs to visit every skanky restroom. Scott stood up to pee within weeks of being trained so I haven't had to endure the sitting on nasty seats.
Second, she's completely addicted to gum. So her teeth will fall out, at least I won't get labeled the mom who was too lazy or ineffective to get her kid potty trained.
So now that that hurdle has been crossed, what was it I was saying about a third child?
Congrats on the potty training. Milestone achieved!!
Posted by: Oh, The Joys | August 29, 2007 at 02:54 PM
You knew I'd jinx myself with this post, right?
We had pee on the floor and then right after that, poop in the pants. And she still wants the gum.
Posted by: Lori at Spinning Yellow | August 29, 2007 at 12:29 PM
Oh, yes. It's never about us when it comes to potty training. They train themselves, when they are ready, and not a moment sooner.
Congratulations to Jane!
Posted by: slouching mom | August 29, 2007 at 11:24 AM
I agree about the potty training. It almost doesn't matter what you do or don't do. When they decide, that's when it happens. Congratulations!
Posted by: kristen | August 29, 2007 at 09:23 AM
Congrats! Now it's time to think about #3!
Posted by: Delilah | August 29, 2007 at 07:31 AM