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August 12, 2007


Lori at Spinning Yellow

Hey thanks for the comments!
Kristen - I was feeling pretty good until our trip to the OT today which I commented about on your brushing post.
Lori G. - well at least the girls are at the same point and we had more peeing on the floor, demanding of a diaper and another success in the potty! Inconsistent, to say the least.
Laura - I am tempted to use the sunflower over and over - it is so perfect!
SM - thank you and I wondered about the sensory issues with your son, he often sounds similar to Scott!

slouching mom

Let's see. First off, I love love love the title of this post.

Second, I am so impressed. What a wonderful summer it sounds like it's been -- for everyone. Nothing better.

The sensory issues I am oh so familiar with -- my older son has many of them, and they are directly responsible for his lifelong picky eating. They're a bear, aren't they?


Great news on your summer! I love it that the sunflower is yellow and such a survivor-much like Scott!


So glad to read all of your good news! Our potty training is going pretty much the same. A few exciting moments here and there...then buckets of pee on the floor.


Wow. Lots of good news in this post. Happy anniversary! Happy swimming, diving, running and yes, even tinkling...

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