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June 08, 2007


Lori at Spinning Yellow

Prescott - thanks for the tips, I can use all the advice I can get!


Late nights and the "edit time stamp" option are my friends. Sometimes I'll write a few posts at once and set them to "drip" over the course of several days to try and keep things fresh. (Although, like a lot of people, I don't always succeed in that goal, lol)

Lori at Spinning Yellow

HBM - I will enter and cross my fingers. Maybe I can figure out how to weave in more ass-kissing. At least it got me some comments.

Laura - So wish you could go too. Next year when we know what we are doing we will go together.


You don't know how much I wish I could go to the BlogHer thing w/you in Chicago! BTW, Emma stole a stuffed beanie frog from my best friend's baby and also a keychain from the drugstore next to the BonTon. I made her fess up and return to both rightful owners. I still carry her guilty "I'm sorry" notes scribed in toddler scroll. Too cute!

Her Bad Mother

1) Time to blog courtesy of Backyardigans.

2) Shameless asskissing always appreciated in the blogosphere.

(and? you can also win a BlogHer registration package through MBT - contest ends this coming Friday:


BlogHer rocks. You must go.)

Lori at Spinning Yellow

mothergoosemouse - Thanks for commenting! As for being scared off, on the contrary, you had me at Duckiegate. I'm making my BogHer reservations now.

Dee - I know that someone looked but I don't know who, unless they came from a place that links to the blog. I wish I knew who was lurking so I could bust on them for not commenting! I think it is wise not to start reading about the Duck - you may find yourself losing more time than you care to!


Do your blog stats show how many times people like me check your blog for something new? :) It's my entertainment since I don't really make time for TV. I'm sorry, but I am not even going to enter the Duck debate. My children are tearing up the TV room as I speak.


Where do I find time to blog? SpongeBob Squarepants is my lord and savior.

For me, Duckiegate has been a source of entertainment - playing with Photoshop - and dismay - seeing the irrationally rude comments that some people made.

I hope the surrounding insanity hasn't scared you off. Even if you don't win the giveaway, I'd advise any and every blogger to attend BlogHer. Well worth it.

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