OK, I'm out here, it's a good day to run, overcast, not so GD hot like Friday, OK, I'm going to do 9 minutes running, 1 minute walking, 3 iterations, set up the NikeiPod and the stop watch, walking up the hill, a little stretching, get moving, I wonder if Matt is going to get the kids breakfast or if I have to make it when I get back, I am so looking forward to eating the sour cream raspberry muffin my in-laws brought me back from Perkins yesterday, damn, should have thought of that earlier, now how am I going to eat it without the kids wanting some and Matt giving me dirty looks, I am a little hungry, what should we have for dinner, at least I don't have to go to the grocery store, did that yesterday, I need to eat better, if anyone wants more reasons to get fit they should read that Parade Magazine article, have to link to that somewhere, well, my gyno and my GP both are happy I am running, they think it is great, much more of a workout than walking, I have to get that blood work done, when can I get up and go without coffee, hate that fasting thing, need to get the mammogram too, so much to do, last week of school, maybe Scott will settle down after this week and Jane, too, poor Matt, he had to sleep on the floor in her room again, not getting enough sleep, that's what's making me crabby, I have to write a letter to Scott's teacher thanking her for all she's done, my shin hurts, I should probably read that stupid book for book group tomorrow, I just can't, its unreadable, no time, stop thinking, take in the morning, so glad to be out here watching the bunnies hop across the lawns, this is so much better than going to church, breath in, out, there's another runner, smile, wave, part of the club, I hope I don't look stupid in my out-of-date running clothes, need to order some clothes today so I will get them in time for the race, I am so That Mom it is pathetic, right down to my skirted swimsuit, I didn't own any of those when I went on my honeymoon, so long ago, I have had kids for nearly as long as the Sopranos have been on, last episode tonight, wonder how it will all go down, I'll miss it, so good this last season, I should have said in my post that I don't waste time shopping for clothes or watching reality TV, I wonder who won that contest anyway, if I didn't win I need to enter the AskPatty one or the MBT one, so many posts to write, if that babysitter doesn't show again tomorrow, I am going to lose my mind, I need to finish my letter to the NYT, I should e-mail Scott's OTs about that and tell them about the blog, why haven't I done that, why haven't I told the book group people either, I need to be more confident, I have to get those lists right and work on my sidebars, well, at least I helped inspire Kim to start a blog, need to finish my half written posts, have bills to pay, those damn thank-yous, and baby gifts and birthday gifts, so overwhelmed, just figured out why tac hasn't comment about my clever inclusion of the Judybats, need to weave in EBTG next, she's in Chicago, have to make my flight and hotel reservations for BlogHer2007 TODAY, so much else to do, why am I such a loser, can't get it together, wait I'm almost done here, on my last iteration, go a little faster, I am so ready for this race, I feel great, I ran with the fast group last week, I did an 8:30 mile last time, I can't wait to write my birthday post after I kick ass, I am not a loser, I am a runner, going faster, have to go around the block again, not done yet, OK here we are, back home.
At least I accomplished something today.
I've finally caught up tonight on my Spinning_Yellow backlog. Thank you for making me laugh out loud with this one - and, by the way, I'll look forward to EBTG being worked in to a blog!
Posted by: tac | June 14, 2007 at 10:43 PM
Wow, what nice comments everyone! Thanks for all the encouragement. Enthusiasm sure is contagious. I do feel a little "exposed". My normal MO would be to not tell anyone about the running or the race until I was sure I followed through. This blogging really holds you accountable!
Posted by: Lori at Spinning Yellow | June 12, 2007 at 09:57 PM
You totally rock! Every time you run by my house or I read one of your posts I am inspired to get off my a$$ and do something. Good luck this weekend!
Lori G
Posted by: Delilah | June 12, 2007 at 04:19 PM
Lori -
You need to know that your blog is an inspiration to me. You are ever ready to try, to persevere, and to share. The intensity you bring to your life with Matt and the children is a marvel. And, now, the running! Doing it is very laudable; doing it well, as you are, is outstanding.
I am very proud to be part of your world - thank you for being part of mine -
Posted by: KathyS | June 12, 2007 at 08:33 AM
I agree-your blog is very interesting and you are doing a great thing by posting your thoughts about the daily trials and tribulations of being a human being! Kudos to your honesty and bravery! Best of luck this weekend-it's very admirable!
Posted by: Laura | June 11, 2007 at 05:09 PM
Dee - What a nice comment! Thanks for taking the time to type all that in twice!! Glad to hear you are trying to take care of yourself more. You deserve it!!
Matt - I love you. Good thing you aren't here to listen to me screaming at the kids and see that I still haven't taken a shower!
Posted by: Lori at Spinning Yellow | June 11, 2007 at 02:32 PM
I am so very proud of you and without all that you do, day in and day out our family would be completely different. You drive our family and set examples for our children every second of the day. Because of you, they continue to learn and grows everyday; as do I. You are my ironman and because of this next weekend will seem all too easy. I love you.
Posted by: mjshapiro | June 11, 2007 at 01:48 PM
I tried to comment earlier, but it looks like it didn't go through. So, at the risk of repeating myself if my comment magically appears later, I'll summarize what I wrote:
I really enjoy your blog! I think because I know you so well, I find it refreshing to see you express yourself in this way. Your posts are funny, engaging and thought-provoking. Despite how you view yourself, as someone who doesn't have it together, I have always viewed you as someone who is organized and thoughtful, and I am sure that is still the case now. Your blog has inspired me to look at myself and focus on my needs, something I have done in fits and starts in recent years, but have never fully committed to doing. So thank you for that! You're right, you will kick a** this weekend, because as you stated in one of your first entries, you don't set out to do something unless you are going to do it right! I don't think that is necessarily a flaw. Good luck!
Posted by: Dee | June 11, 2007 at 01:10 PM