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June 02, 2007


Lori at Spinning Yellow

TAC - Thanks for the tip - I will get some ASAP.
Laura - Did you see my angst brewing when you were here on Friday? I couldn't take Scott and his friend yelling at each other. How about the "I triple dare, no quadrouple dare you" business. Those 6 year olds sure can be irritating!


Okay Lori - sounds like you need to by the Coppertone Kids Continuous Spray. It is a modern marvel! Just apply outdoors because the mist is so fine it will cover everything in your house! (i am not being paid by Coppertone!!)


I hear you-no vacation and no money-it sucks! Our kids can drive us crazy too-it's normal and honest to admit it. Fall is my favorite too and I dread having nothing to do this summer. We may join the pool too. BTW, we were in the middle of Shrek the Third w/ 4 kids on Friday night when the movie stopped b/c of the storm. An entire theatre of disappointed kids on a Friday night after a long work week-Rich and I just looked at each other as if to say typical Murphy's Law!

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