I won a Wii game system from the Manic Mommies! I know I should say, "I'm sooo excited. I've never won anything before." But that's not true. I have won lots of things. From office sports pools to random door prizes at weddings and parties. One of my favorite times wasn't because of the prize (a bottle of wine?) but because I won for correctly identifying the Grinch's dog as Max. I love games and puzzles, just not athletic competition (watching is good, participating not good)! My father even won a lottery when I was in high school. So my secret is out. I am lucky that way.
And I didn't even really think much about this prize. I just happened to be listening to the podcast and then reviewing the show notes when I entered. We do not have any gaming systems here at our house. My nephew has a GameCube that Scott begs to play anytime his cousins will let him. We've been a little apprehensive about having these things around. Scott can be so obsessive about playing. Plus, the OTs say that sort of stimulation isn't the right kind for him.
All in moderation, though. Right? I hope we can get the Wii before Scott's birthday!
I do feel a little bit guilty about winning this. Mostly because I haven't written a post about the Manic Mommies yet! I did comment on their site after the show about their favorite things. And I have so much to say about every one of their podcasts that I was planning on including a weekly post about it. I just haven't gotten to it. And now they are giving me something! Ahh! It's like getting a gift from someone you've been meaning to catch up with and haven't.
Of course, I really can't complain. This really IS exciting. Even if it's not the first thing I've won, I think it will prove to be the most fun! Stay tuned to hear about the Wii experience.
And thank-you, thank-you, thank-you to Erin and Kristin. You've been entertaining me for months now. I absolutely LOVE you podcast. Really. You always make me laugh and make me feel that whatever I'm doing is just fine. I promise to repay you with lots of shout-outs and posts and links and all that.
As soon as I stop playing with my new Wii!
Wheee, a Wii!! Of course I haven't a clue about what it looks like, much less what kinds of peripherals there are for it. But, I suspect Mr. Matt, that technosavvy-ironman-runstwelvemilesatataime fellow you married (now he's the really lucky one!!) will tell me what's what in time for Scott's birthday. In the meantime, you are shaming me to get my elderly butt in gear and start walking again.
Posted by: KathyS | April 18, 2007 at 02:20 PM
That is so exciting! Ian and Erick would be thrilled if we were to win a Wii. Enjoy it! OK, I have got to stop reading this blog while I am at work!
Posted by: Dee | April 18, 2007 at 09:44 AM