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April 11, 2007



I don't think I ever told you about CoCo-our bunny on Harvey Ave. CoCo was in her rabbit cage and was very much loved and adored by Emma. The Nor'Easter, "Storm of the Century" blew in and ooops, I guess we kind of forgot about CoCo. Rich goes out about 2 days after we dug out from being buried in the snow. He pulls poor, stiff, lifeless CoCo. Rigor Mortis beyond Rigor-we told Emma that Coco ran off into the forest. Don't feel bad-we're losers too!

Barb Laurenson

Look at it this way -- You provided Scott and Jane with first hand experience of the prey/predator reality of life!

Lori at Spinning Yellow

tac - Thanks for commenting. You are my first non-relative comment (I guess I should come clean that you are a great friend!). Yes, it was pretty funny. Sadly, it looks like the bunnies are gone. I guess this is good for our garden. I am glad that I did not get a photo of the terrified baby bunny. It makes it easier to remember this incident as comical!


I know it's not funny, but the visual is hilarious!

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