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March 31, 2007


Barb Laurenson

I just read your first posting, and I loved it! You are a wonderful writer, and I love, love, love that you are trying running! You and me -- we don't have to be the nonathletic girls of our youth! I think that running and mountain biking and camping and hiking are so fulfilling not just because of how they make me feel in the moment, but because I feel like I've overcome my fears of not being able to do athletic things. Now I'm just ticked off at myself for believing for all those years that I wasn't athletic.


You have a gift - a voice - and you have something to say. I am very proud to call you my "daughter."
With love and thanks -

Lori at Spinning Yellow

Wow. What a nice comment. And I thought this blogging thing might be a problem. Thanks again for all your support. Oh, and my shins REALLY hurt today!! I love you too.

I better invite some people to read this before it just becomes a love fest between us!


I am so proud of you for not only undertaking this journey but taking a new look and perspective on life. By doing so, you have taught me to try and look at things from a different perspective, embrace change, and make positive changes that effect our family and myself. I love you!

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